Use "massacre|massacres" in a sentence

1. The Adana Massacre was the second series of large-scale massacres of Armenians to break out in the Ottoman Empire

2. I am tired of pointless massacres.

3. The Amhara massacre and internal displacement is a day to day news in Ethiopia under the EPRDF rule.The Arbagugu and Bedeno massacres of Amharas in what is called Oromia region are prime examples

4. Nobody survived the massacre.

5. Its pages are bloodied by religious wars, massacres and persecutions.

6. The massacre at Acre, Sire.

7. 5 Massacres the picture too to be terrorist.

8. Ancresses anacrusis increases manicures cancerous increaser announcers massacres increasers anasarcas

9. As the war mounted, we received less information about the massacres.

10. Bubale massacre mounted on crest

11. Beason massacre survivor has been adopted

12. One death weighed against a massacre.

13. Charlotte d’Arbaleste, Escape from the Massacre

14. The massacre was shameful, the losses piteous.

15. When does a massacre become a genocide?

16. United lost in a 9-0 massacre.

17. The massacre was a crime against humanity.

18. The game was a 0 - 8 massacre.

19. David did not subject the defeated Ammonites to barbarous torture and gruesome massacres.

20. He survived the massacre by feigning death.

21. The massacre was carried out by enemy troops.

22. Katyn: The Untold Story of Stalin's Polish Massacre.

23. The Katyn Massacre (A Master of Arts Thesis).

24. She was the sole survivor of the massacre.

25. There is widespread public outrage over the massacre.

26. Brutalised but defiant: Christchurch massacre survivors one year on

27. Anthrohopobiological Just senseless massacre happen? Compressed network traffic monitor

28. The little orphan girl of the Kansas prairie massacre.

29. The numbers killed in the massacre are probably exaggerated.

30. They all led with the news of the massacre.

31. Bloodbath (plural Bloodbaths) Indiscriminate killing or slaughter, a massacre

32. My little St. Valentine's Day Massacre showed the NVA.

33. A general massacre, fled in Affrighted haste to Jerusalem.

34. If the Apache get them, they'll massacre the territory.

35. The streets were running with blood after the massacre.

36. The Pessimist's Guide to History 3e: An Irresistible Compendium of Catastrophes, Barbarities, Massacres

37. He ordered the massacre of 000 women and children.

38. The game was a 100 massacre for our team.

39. Synonyms for Butcherings include destruction, annihilation, extinction, obliteration, exterminations, liquidation, massacres, slaughter, eradications and ruin

40. Though the great majority of the populace profess to be Christian, intertribal massacres were launched.

41. India's ONLY Commiserative coin! Featuring - Rupees 100 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

42. The perpetrators ended the massacre by taking their own lives.

43. The author also provides eyewitness accounts of the Kolno massacre.

44. As many as fifty men took part in the massacre.

45. Your mother gave birth in the madness of the massacre

46. I think the huge scale massacre of pheasants is revolting.

47. Your mother gave birth in the madness of the massacre.

48. There was a terrible massacre of villagers here during the war.

49. The Situation in Northern Syria — No Revolutionary Movement — Massacre at Aintab —

50. Bear River Massacre 29 January – Shoshone forces massacred by Union troops.

51. Nearly half of the village's residents were killed in this massacre.

52. The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921

53. The Armenian massacre is considered the first genocide of the 20th century

54. Finally it arrived last Friday, the week after the Avengeful, Jos massacre

55. One video film was advertised as “92 minutes of rape and massacre”!

56. You have already put the people of Xianyang in danger of massacre!

57. Serbian and Croatian hostility in the Balkans was aggravated by massacres of civilians during the second world war.

58. These include massacres and dislocation of civilians in the name of rooting out supposed guerrilla sympathizers.

59. To minimize risks, they would not be required to disarm the several militia groups responsible for recent massacres.

60. There have also been numerous memorials of the massacre around the world.

61. The worldly-wise students had seen videos of the Tiananmen massacre online.

62. As she continued her oratorical massacre, he came to a sober realization.

63. 1 day ago · Columbine High School massacre -- April 1999 The horrific Columbine High School massacre unfolded on April 20, 1999, in Littleton and remains one of …

64. Babi Sawyeris a supporting character in Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III

65. Presently, Albatross is still mentioned in many history texts, as his massacre

66. The Wounded Knee Massacre is considered the end of the Indian wars.

67. The massacre that followed left seven children dead and another 14 injured.

68. Of course, she was using the term 'massacre' in the figurative sense.

69. 20 synonyms for Bloodshed: killing, murder, massacre, slaughter, slaying, carnage, butchery, blood

70. The My Lai Massacre Concretized in a Victims Face 155 Figure 1

71. I've been living in Krakow on false papers since the ghetto massacre.

72. In March 17 there occurred what became known as the Boston Massacre.

73. Is the massacre likely to touch off a new round of violence?

74. Most of them had only heard of the massacre at second hand.

75. It was more like guerrilla warfare, Bushwhackings and massacres, labels that differed depending on which side you were on

76. The attempted assassination of Coligny triggered the crisis that led to the massacre.

77. Subsequently, in 1996, 8 politicians were indicted for high treason and the massacre.

78. Until the massacre the government seemed to connive in Ampatuan control of Maguindanao.

79. 29 synonyms for Butchery: slaughter, killing, murder, massacre, bloodshed, carnage, mass murder, blood

80. The Dunblane Primary School, the scene of the massacre, was closed until Monday.